At Brown & Brown, our guiding principles include building our team with the highest quality people and delivering innovative solutions and superior service. If you are a large company, an individual or anything in between, our experienced teams can help you view, analyse and purchase insurance efficiently. You will receive the personalized, dedicated service you deserve while leveraging the exceptional capabilities and peace of mind expected from a top brokerage to help protect what you value most.
Formerly O’Leary Insurances, Brown & Brown Ireland provides insurance broking services with the same trusted team and commitment to excellence. Same Local People, New Name. With over 60 years of experience in the Irish market, we remain dedicated to delivering customer-focused solutions.
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Why Choose O'Leary.
Having a presence at 8 different locations in Ireland means our Insurance Brokers
are closer to our clients, in every respect, than most of our competitors..
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Also Serves
Business insurance, Professional indemnity, Cyber liability, Environmental impairment liability, Employer&x92;s liability, Public liability, Solicitors Professional Indemnity Insurance, Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance, Specialist Insurance, Health Insurance, Insurance Claims, Forms & Useful Documentation, Section 137 Bonds, Personal Motor Insurance, House Insurance, Personal Health Insurance, Travel Insurance, Unoccupied Private Dwellings insurance, Financial Services, Personal Insurance Claims, Car Hire Excess Insurance, Car Insurance for Young Drivers
Liability Insurance, Motor Fleet Insurance, Professional Indemnity Insurance, Commercial Property Insurance, Cyber Liability Insurance, Solicitors Professional Indemnity Insurance, Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance, Specialist Insurance, Health Insurance, Insurance Claims, Forms & Useful Documentation, Section 137 Bonds, Personal Motor Insurance, House Insurance, Personal Health Insurance, Travel Insurance, Unoccupied Private Dwellings, Financial Services, Personal Insurance Claims, Car Hire Excess Insurance, Car Insurance for Young Drivers